LCVP BOOKLET FOR PR/IM (Public Relations and Information Management) 16/17 AIESEC in UNSOED

10:36 AM Rima Ramadhania 0 Comments

Text Box: Section 1: General Information
Full Name
Rima Ramadhania
Nick Name
Current Position
Public Relation Manager
Date and Place of Birth
Tangerang, February 8th 1995
Permanent Address
Contact Address
Parent / Guardian Contact
Tarji /-
Telephone & Mobile number

Skype / LINE
Major / Semester
Cumulative GPA
Year of Joining AIESEC

Text Box: Section 2: Personal & Motivation
  1. Why do you want to continue your journey in AIESEC?
I am highly passionate gaining the knowledge about leadership, social dynamic and education. then I realize that AIESEC can be my right platform to develop my self and I feel like AIESEC is school of life which can sharp my character, knowledge and skills also pop up-ing my potency as a human being. I learn a lot of thing when I joined with AIESEC and I want to find out more about new thing in AIESEC which I believe I can be more useful to making impact in society. Also I want to dedicate and contibute my self to make a change for my beloved entity AIESEC in UNSOED.
  1. Please explain your ultimate life ambitions!
My life ambition is being useful person for other as a influencer for young people to encourage them to pursuing their dream and be brave to break the limits. I want to be a great person in the future,  I see my self as an influential person in my way to lead a big company. My company is one of effort to solve much social issue that raise in society, I’ll be part of agent of change to helps the goverment accelerate the development in my country. I’m empowering Indonesia from all my contribution to empower the local people. I give them workplace to work for reducing the jobless number and developing society to becomes independent in all aspect. The society needs help so I mean it as a calling to have doing my social responsibility.
  1. How does LCVP Role connect and contribute to your dreams and ambitions? Explain!
As a LCVP PR, of course I work in diverse environment it means I always challenging my self to being flexible and dinamic. I also being mobile, moving from one place to another place just to engage with other leaders. so, I have a wide connection to make my company bigger, better and stronger. I do believe that change are happens because we make a good collaboration, elevate our effort in the same harmony, and it completed with good planning, then goals become reality. Being leaders in PR division can drives me to learn a lot from everything, doing extra miles, being inspiring people, have good attitudes and self awareness. That is one of my strategy to reach my dreams by what I’m doing right now, I tried to collaborate my experience and my knowledge that I capable of to facing the future. The networking that I build is important to accelerate my future career path. It would be great experience having much friend from various culture, life styles, and languange because somehow it can open up my mind to see something with different perspective. And it will always be a lifelong learning what I’ve always discovered until now.
  1. State and explain your 3 personal strengths and 3 personal weaknesses and how do you use your strengths and overcome your weaknesses?
My personal strengths are I have so many connection with young people almost all over Indonesia, from aceh until papua. I met them in forum discussion, summit, and conference that I’ve already followed. From that connection I can be more easy to execute my planning if I need help to show casting a campaign and also an opportunity to get qualified information like scholarship, going abroad, amazing event and conference etc.
 I am a fast learner and highly passionate gaining the knowledge about leadership, social dynamic and education. I feel so thirsty to find out more new thing, I always questioning my self what can be better to shaping my self, maximazing self quality and constantly challenging my self to increasing my value furthermore to win competition outside. Because of that I’ve already joined with several organization which move in that fields.
The last is I have an experience. I already making a sustainable development in Banteran village through the project from my previous organization BEM UNSOED for twice period 2014 and 2015. The experience it is not just from BEM but also when I am in round selection of XL Future Leader batch 3, KOPHI, I-YES and Media Mahasiswa Indonesia from those experience I can be more adaptable in new environment, managing change and loving to engage the people from different background. There’re so much organization that I’ve done and it push me to work very efficiently, be problem solver to handle the crisis also navigating the challenges to step of a bigger plan, never settle down easily and igniting the ambition to be extraordinary
My weakness is being unforgetful person so I will note every single words in my little book to remind me about my schedule, view point of discussion also write anything to keep it secure in my note book. This is my habit that build up almost from 6 years ago when I was a senior high school student. The second one is I am an over-thinking person, and the way to redeem my self from overwhelmed thinking is doing my duty as fast as I can do, managing my schedule well, and determine the priority activities. Sometimes solicitudes comes from our fear, unconfidential, and bad at determining priorities. The last is complaining, I’m easly to say complain’s word if the situation isn’t runs well like what I expected before. Maybe I’m too ambitious and significant and hoping the real life is going run well, but the truth is no. The way I handle that is being grateful person, appreciate everyone in my life, having a me time for least an-hour everyday to discover my inner journey and always remind my self that I’m a human being who have flaws and stay close with the god to find peacefulnes.
  1. What is your own Definition or interpretation of Leadership? Please describe your leadership style based on previous Experience!
Leadership is influence, the ability to gain follower and give the impact to empower them. Leadership related with two words, that is influence and impact. Because both of it has an interrelation. If a man has an influnce but doesnt have an impact for other then that influence is useless because cant make other people moves from their boundaries. Because of it, it doesnt enough just having an influence but, how can we use that power is more important. The influences more valuable if there is a purpose to execute. If  leaders notice that influence and purpose become a power it will be a strong tool to empowering, driving, also leading other people around.  
From my previous experience, I realize that I am a significant person and creative builder. I will motivating my team to pursue our goals that we agreed previously. First of all, I need to know my team character personally, because of that I’ll know their boundaries and their value. And then, I’ll Trecking their activity, build a good connection with them through quality of communication and trust. assess their ability to choosen a suitable job for them. I’ll make a strong connection with them instead being part of their life, I’ll put my self as a friend if they need it. To be a good leader we have to learn how to more adaptable, sensitive and being a good listener. I am so happy and most driven at the start of things. I see an opportunity and can read other’s ability. I enjoyed every process that I do believe it can sharpen my skill to lead. The strength of believe in end result also ability to tolerate the process that’s make me to be creative builder.
  1. How well do your family and community support your activities as an LCVP?  How do they perceive your intention to apply for this position?
My parents especially my mom really know what inside of me, she know that I have a passion in leadership field which moves me from one organization to another organization to fullfil my curiousity. She support me when I was decided to registered my self as LCVP also warn me too. She warn me that I also have a big project to finished my final essay to graduated in 2016 with good score (I mean cumlaude). I make a deal with her, I promised that I never want to make them dissapointed. For my dad, he always warn me to do something which have an urgent status first. He gives me an advice that I must finished my school, and I agreed. My mom and dad put their believe on me, because I’m a grown women. I know where I supposed to belong. I got much support from my internal division which is marcomm squad to apply LCVP PR because they know that I have capacity and capability to being LCVP PR.
  1.  Who is inspirational leader for you? And why you adore him/her?
The inspirational leader for me is Merry Riana, I read her novel and really touched from her story to reach a dream. She is very hard worker, discipline, have a strong willingness, dedicated, integrity, good planner, fearless, dare to dream big, visioner, work-life balance, executor and the most of all is her closeness to GOD. She is believe that GOD always help her to move, strengthen her self, the best place to asking a help. Her faith lead her to discover the enchanted of life. After she reach the goal to have financial security before she turned into 30 y.o. She constantly questioning her self what I’m looking for when I already reached everything in my life. I have a power, money, good partner, great children, fame, and then very loyal employee. Then what I’m doing with that?  From that question, she find out more that she has a power, influence and purpose. Then she build a Merry Riana Foundation to empowering Indonesian people through seminar, coaching, scholarship and her new resolution to give the positive impact at least for one million people in Indonesia. For Merry’s character I see that she is very passionately to break her limitness, gaining new knowledge, patient and ethusias to make a sustainable momentum to change destiny. And the wow-ed thing is, yeah Merry Riana is a women. Powerful yet impactful women, that’s make her being an inspirational women in Indonesia.
  1.  What is failure for you? How do you see failure in your life?
Failure is part of success. In order to succeed you need to fail over and over again. In my opinion failure is the best teacher, without failure maybe we dont know our capability and our strenght. For me, failure is a momentum to bounced my self more high. I learn a lot from failure, I can repair my planning nor changed my old habits, keep my eyes on the bigger picture and stay focused. Failure keeps me realize that I’m a human being.
  1. List 3 and explain your 3 greatest achievements that shape you as a person!
My greatest achievement that shape me as a person are when I selected to continue the second round selection of XL Future Leader Batch 3 in semarang. I went to semarang alone, that is the first time I went to semarang and I hate it. It because the road is so damn bad. make my stomach soo sick. I feel like I want to vomit all the time. I also know that semarang is so huge, and I think the venue is located near with UNDIP but the truth is no. That location is so far far away from UNDIP and near with station. I meet with other participants and share our story why we registered this event. Until I meet a girl named Intan. She is very confident person that I’ve ever meet, her ability to speak english like a pro, and very cheerful. I asked her what kind of organization that transformed you until now, she explained to me that he already joined with AIESEC in UNS and from that organization I learn a lot of thing. The most of all is I can increasing my ability in english skill that we know english is important to win the competition outside if we are looking for a job. I never imagined that she already think so far. And from that I already know the people outside prepared them self as best as they can do to facing the future and what about me? So, I commit to my self I must to shaping my skills, my ability, build a wide connection and expand my knowledge to winning the future through what I’m doing right now. I always focused my self to get high GPA instead of gaining my self to sharpen soft skill in organization. I want my self is not only smart in teory but also in experience.
The second one is when I am facing with  failure to get my dream university, the feeling is so hurt, depressed, sad and mess. I almost can’t handle my feeling, until my dad approach me and give me more advice the way he did makes me realize that God’s blessing is so wide, suddenly it strengthen me. The most important value from those experience is closeness to Allah, let Allah be my guidance to facing the future. And I think the closeness with god is the most Achievement that I’ve ever feel, I find peacefulness. And the value of peacefull is so expensive. In other occasion, I’ve been selected as basic biology assistant in my 3rd semester it means a lot for me, because it marks you as a potencial student who accepted to be teaching assistant in very very early semester. The lecturer just choose 4 student who has great capacity and capability in order to being teaching assistant. But I interpret it as a gift form Allah for everyone who have a faith in their life. dont lose a hope however the worst situation is. Keep igniting your dream and hope, because Allah will embrace your dream. And I can share my knowledge about basic biology to my junior, help them to get proper comprehension, challenge them to do their problem case through the assignment. And I see my self can drives them to understand about general basic biology, the theory of basic biology, then I realize that I become an useful person and pasionately to give impact for other through what I have.
The third is when I choosen as the best member of AIESEC in UNSOED in the end of year 2015. I never get the huge appreciation as a reward of my hard work all this time in other organization. It makes me so happy. Acceptance and appreciation it needed to improve the quality of work. And it makes me stick to AIESEC because that environment. The appreciation is real, if you doing your job well then you’ll get the reward. If it’s not, AIESEC provide consultation. Also in AIESEC I know who I am. I totally find my self, increasing my confident and pop up-ing my potency. When I joined with AIESEC I learn much good value in life, sharpen my humanity’s value, learning from other people experience, inspire and empower other, be a good leader for your self and for Indonesia.
Text Box: Section 2: AIESEC Journey
1.    List all aspects of your AIESEC experience (including internships, CEED, leadership positions, task forces, national team, conference, etc) Please explain on 1 or max. 2 points, what you have learnt and your results from those experiences!
Manager PR
How to build a good connection with any organization, community and media partner to make brand of AIESEC in UNSOED more sounding outside. Against my fear to be front liner of AIESEC in UNSOED in external relation, how to make a good PR’s planning, keep the motivation and spirit flamed all the time until the end of my duty. Build up a good communication also strong connection in team work, how can accept other’s opinion and know their boundaries and rules.
Got a reward as best member of Aiesec in UNSOED, being more synergies with my team, AIESEC in UNSOED slowly but sure be known as an leadership organization through exchange program, raised Bhineka Ceria Radio as our media partner, organized education speak a collaboration project with EFEC, and Find 3 primary school in Banteran village to execute Purwokerto calling project with BEM UNSOED and making a good collaboration with KOMAHI to raised a campaign about UNSOED positivity movement.
Coordinator OC Media and Community Engagement YSF
How can I handle 3 more things in the same time, divided time to balance my moves in looking for and raising media partner also engaging internal of UNSOED (BEM, HIMA, UKM), help OC program to find other speaker and I suggest for KOPHI also call them until I can araise KOPHI as our official speaker for YSF while I’m doing  KOPHI’s project too, bookleting and coaching for LCPV, preparing for my experiment in campus, and works as PR in Marcomm too to selling summer calling project.
Handling the problem when other division slowly moves but you have to hurry to not losing your opportunity and the money which already payed for, making a good communication with my team (della, yuga, ilham) to influence them working as fast as possible, reporting for every single progress.
I can araise 6 media partner just for 2 weeks, araise KOPHI as speaker in YSF, I can handle my emotion when the reality doesnt run well like when I expected before, constantly evaluate my quality of works. And motivating my team if they demotivated, make a good planning, open the consultation if my team didnt understand their job desk and how to make a good impression for the first meeting with client.
This is my very 1st AIESEC conference, I never know what kind of Aiesecer outside of UNSOED. And in this conference I meet with a lot of people from other entity. This is my chance to make a good connection with them, minggle, and better to know AIESEC operational from those plannary. And I learn how to behave in Padang because this city is very religious and have  delicious yet spicy also tasty food. I also learn how to enjoyed my life and live life to the fullest. I find my inner journey here to accepting my self for all the perfection and imperfection
I accepted my self for every single strength and weakness. in NEC I found my self completely, it because there was someone who stood up and told about his story for super long journey to found him self and not even tried again to compare him self with others. I'm totally realize this is what I really need, it called "self confident". Some people out there try to killed your character because he/she afraid what are capable you've become. So, just be your self! develop your strength to conquer every limits and scare them with your achievement. And btw, I make a deep conversation with our NEC chair, Enoch Wong from China, he is very humble person and handsome too. And he uploaded my photo with other girls when we’re going to Arabian party. I have an amazing story with AIESECer around Indonesia especially surabaya, UI, Brawijaya, UA, Bandung, Unila and UNDIP and I see the election isnt about you win or lose but also win and learn.

2.    Rank the 3 main areas in AIESEC where you have had the most experience. Highlight briefly your experiences in each and how that would benefit a year in the EB team and Functional Team?
a.       Making a good relation with internal organization like BEM, HIMA and UKM. Engaging media partner, other organization and community. Attending their event if they invite us to come. I always put my client as a king, however I treat them as a priority. Concentrate in brand awareness to reduce miss communication between internal and external. Screening all the external relation and I just choose the fitable one which related with AIESEC in UNSOED’s vision and mission. I have much experience to bargaining and selling AIESEC product like big project and global citizen. I am pasionately to make AIESEC in UNSOED to be more acessible and known in Unsoed it self and also making a positive impact for society through my planning project. and I already do it in my term. it make a huge positive impact for our entity.
b.      I have to be fast learner. In my previous experience, I never imagined my self in Management Board in this term. Without proper quality as PR, I always motivated my self to learn from everywhere. I asking much question to harry who is my LCVP marcomm and ka didi MCVP Aiesec Indonesia, but I just get a little thing. From this crisis condition, because being PR in aiesec is totally different with PR in general. And omg I’m so happy to attending PR summit and connected with PR’s people from other entity. I start to presentation about what my team have done in this semester. From this moment, I learn a lot from LCVP PR LC full member because they have much project and good case practice. And slowly but sure, I know the key of being PR in AIESEC. We must have an expectation before we create planning. We have to believe that in the end of term, our planning will completely checked. I am too passionate gaining new knowledge and my curiosity lead me into being Best member of AIESEC in UNSOED in the end of 2015 also I have a strong networking with many media partner and build a good connection with internal in UNSOED.
c.       Leading a team. I can build a good environment to push my staff doing their job beside to develop them self become great and incredible. I do believe with a good quality of human resource will make a good system futhermore will make a good result in the end of term. But, first of all to make them connected with me, I must know their caracter personally and then I treat them within their boundaries. Because if you push them more and more their will stressfull and cannot find a happiness in their job. It’ll decreasing team performance. With me, my staff comes align with my vision and mission also I opened the session to evaluate my planning to make PR more better.     
3.    What is AIESEC to you? and feel free to make an analogy of it!
For me AIESEC is like a school of life. I can learn about life lesson which I cannot get in academic ways. I can learn a lot of things from this organization, I can improving my self more and more each day, shaping my knowledge and character, increasing my self awareness, find out more what inside of me, and most of all is I can be usefull for others. AIESEC provide everything to make you digging more all the potency, I love to joined with AIESEC it because AIESEC can helps me to know who really I am, and helps me to show the best version of me through LDM, proper education, learning by doing experiences. I really find the happiness inside of me, I love AIESEC environment full of respect, love, visioner thinking, appreciation, hope, happiness, and lots of positive energy. After I’m developing my self properly then I can strong enough to empowering other from all the experience that I have. also make huge change momentum for our society. And this is what  Indonesian youth need to become a good leader for Indonesia.
Text Box: Section 3: Entity Knowledge
  1. Please make an analysis of AIESEC in Unsoed and strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities in the last 3 years!
Strengths : large amount of member is our strength with proper HR we will make our project runs well. Our good case practise in strategic alliances with other organization, brand positioning and strong networking with media partner. The number of exchange participant and promotion product
Weaknesses : There is no sinergy with other division it increasing miss communication with internal and external, lack of communication between VP, manager and staff,  much project runs in the same time but didnt organized well, low quality of human resource, lack knowledge about brand awareness, operational division, and time management. Weak in human resource development, also entity legality status. There’s no team bonding to raise self belonging with AIESEC in UNSOED
Threats : member get resign because they think that AIESEC is full of duty and disturb their school somehow they can provocate their friend to not join with AIESEC, the lack of knowledge obstruct to making a good performance and make them stressfull then they realize that they can handle the job. The low quality of Human resource would effected to Aiesec directly, they cant manage their time well.
Opportunities : AIESEC in UNSOED is the only one organization which provide cultural exchange this is our power to make AIESEC in UNSOED become inspiring and impactful organization for university. So many invitation to collaborate with other community, fixing the brand of AIESEC as an inclusive organization in order to engage more youth.
  1. What do you envision for Purwokerto? Mention 3 trends that happened in Purwokerto! And how AIESEC in Unsoed can capitalize it?
Purwokerto is a capital of banyumas region. Purwokerto located in the western part of central java on the southern side of java. Purwokerto has long served as a transit point for travellers. The development of tourism sector in Purwokerto Aimed some natural spot and it became the most favorite tourist destinations. purwokerto in over the years has developed quite significantly, especially in the economy sector that marked by numerous buildings and mall but it make some green area decreasing. In this case, some of various regions in Indonesia was developed according with their uniqueness potency. There’s not rule to stoped the change, we must facing the change and prepared our self for it.  In time of change, maybe someday purwokerto which well-known by their uniqueness of natural spot like mountain and waterfall will formerly changed into different fields. as young generation we should be able to filter an influences of global change depend on Indonesian people life guide, which is pancasila and norm to make changes in positive ways.
3 trend that happened in Purwokerto are :
·         Economic development are increasing rapidly in Purwokerto
purwokerto currently is experiencing a significant economic growth marked by numerous new buildings, a mall and several restaurants. this makes economic growth increase through creative-preneur and modern retail. But, we forgot beside of increasing economic growth there’re still much problem in village which never touched with development. villagers began to suffer from the changes. they do not have enough ability and skill to be able mananging the changes . This case raises many social problems. AIESEC in UNSOED can help to develop their area through the uniqueness and potential of the village to build sustainable development. AIESEC in UNSOED can perform a social project in the village to prepare the younger generation to get their better future. 
·         There’re much young organization nor community, it represented youth creativity in Purwokerto
There’re much youth organization nor community in purwokerto which align with AIESEC in UNSOED and it can be our chance to engage them as our partner. Aiesec in UNSOED can capitalized it by engaging them in our gathering event and inviting them as our speaker if we held a collaboration project.
·         Purwokerto goverment want to improving their culture & tourism through campaign visit purwokerto
Nowdays, Purwokerto goverment concern with improving their quality of infrastructure and service for tourism. They do campaign visit purwokerto massively to attract local and foreign tourist, they are trying to make purwokerto become a favorite tourism destination. AIESEC in UNSOED can capitalize it by offering Purwokerto goverment to collaborate with us to promote Purwokerto tourism and culture site. We can utilize it by IGCDP project in culture issue, our EP and intern will learn Purwokerto culture and tourism, they can also promote Purwokerto culture and tourism internationally.
3.                  What kind of things that AIESEC in Unsoed can do nowadays for Purwokerto? AIESEC in UNSOED as leadership organization must be able to contibute to give more solution for any social problems that araised in Purwokerto through AIESEC in UNSOED project. We can engage all the stakeholders and community to support also sinergies with our social project and inviting media partner to show cast our activity for impacting much people to do same thing and somehow it align with AIESEC Indonesia vision to inspire the world through contribution and passion where we present to lead the positive changes to make Indonesia is a home.
Text Box: Section 4: Strategic Questions
1.      Please make an analysis of (Functional) strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities (in the last term which 15/16)
Strengths : promotion through digital and physical, collaboration project with external relation and our media partner, market research
Weaknesses : Lack of quality human resource, there’s no bonding team, lack of knowledge and experience, member and manager sometimes so unreachable, too slow to did the JD, miss communication with other function related with brand awareness, lack of synergy with other function, too fast demotivated
Threats : there’s several internal problem through the people and their make uncomfortable communication each other. Few member and manager in this term didnt show their best perfomance and it affected in whole function.
Opportunities : we grew up again as a leadership organization through cultural exchange, we reached high number for exchanger then make us got the reward from Aiesec Indonesia through digital and physical promotion, we got several invitation letter to attend external event, our partneship like media partner and community can be our big opportunity to make Aiesec in Unsoed well-known, we know exacly our customer need through market survey
2.      Please explain the vision and mission you would like to bring for (functional) that contributes to your LC strategic goal!
Vision :
·         Aiesec in Unsoed more accessible for everyone in Purwokerto also in Unsoed it self and AIESEC in Unsoed will becoming the most inspiring and impactful youth leadership organization
Mission :
·         Build stategic alliances with Internal Unsoed (HIMA, BEM, UKM) and external relation (Goverment, other universities, media partner and community) through PR activities
·         Change people’s perspective that AIESEC in UNSOED is not exclusive organization through digital showcasting and collaboration event
·         Managing, mantaining and utilizing strong networking with external relation (Goverment, other universities, media patner and community) as pool for EP and TN to make IGCDP project more accessible
·         Have a good sense to think critically and understand the local & global issue which align with AIESEC
·         Increasing brand awareness of AIESEC in UNSOED
·         Control the external and internal communication to prevent miss communication between two sides also synergies with other function
3.      What area do you think needs most improvement in (Functional) based on what you write in number 1? What results are you expecting to match with LC Strategic Goal?
The area need most improvement is empowerment human resource. New member need to be educate and develop to get proper knowledge about their functional procedure, Aiesec system and regulation, explanation about entity planning for semester 1 and 2, and team building to raise self belonging for our entity. Synergies with other function to prevent miss communication, asking for their help to doing collaboration project, increasing brand awareness, and  motivating each other to motivate manager and member in order to give their best performance doing JD. Mantaining external relation by regullary visiting our media partners event if they inviting us to come then from those good connection we can make Aiesec in Unsoed more accessible for everyone. I am expecting to match with LC strategic goals is about strategic alliances to make AIESEC in Unsoed recognize as leadership organization through cultural exchange not exchange organization which impacting and inspire much people in Purwokerto generally and Unsoed especially. Slowly but sure it can change many people’s perspectif about AIESEC, they will see the value that AIESEC can give to society. I want to make Aiesec in Unsoed more accesible for everyone in Purwokerto through showcasting PR’s activity and collaboration event with stakeholders, other universities, media partner, community and Unsoed internal (BEM, HIMA, UKM).
4.        Please list possible Functional Structure in term 16/emphasize17 based on your functional needs correlating with LC strategic goal?

5.        List your synergy needs and how it correlates with your functional and LC Strategic Goal!
·         PR-Marcomm : because PR is a part of marketing tools we must delivering education about brand awareness, brand positioning and brand advocacy in internal nor external to make AIESEC in UNSOED brand well-known in Purwokerto and those point was tool for simply marketing survey.
·         PR-OGX-IGX : Focus on strategic alliances and looking for community and media partner which align with AIESEC as our pool for EP and TN to make project more acessible and showcasting digital experiences (Thunderbolt, Human of AIESEC, loud and proud, story EP, also IGX&OGX project)
·         PR-BD : PR must to synergize with BD if MOU needed to engage our external relation (goverment, media partner and community), clear boarder line of each JD between PR and BD, and how’s the strategy to engaging more external relation sustainable until the end of our term
·         PR-TM : TM can develop PR’s people being more capable to handle the job. PR’s activities need more huge human resource to execute the project collaboration so, PR need TM to organize HR in OC project and make a good internal communication
·         PR-Finance : in several PR activities we need letter invitation if we want to inviting other organization or external relation to come in our event, we also need to collaborate to make reasonable budget plan in every PR activities or PR project.
Text Box: Section 5: Open Space

Please use this space to sell yourself. Be as creative as possible!

For me, join with AIESEC is my favorite life record. Because, I learn a lot of things, a lot. I always feeling thirsty for knowledge. I want more, do more and achieve more. first why I run so fast to lifting my self into this position its because I want to get a better future, a good financial security, I want to become rich futhermore to being social influencer. but, when I think more deeper and in the point I got new value. that value is empower. and I feel like I am the result of that value. AIESEC teach me how to empowering my self first then strong enough to empower other. empower can lead other's life better. empower can speed up the change that we want for better indonesia. That’s how big the power of empowering value. I have a strong willingness, dedication, hard working type of person, fast learner, easy to adapt, and have a good work attitude. I do prepared my self in order to being LCVP PR 16/17 with clear vison, rational strategy, confident, and proper experience in PR. the most of all I want to contribute my self to being part of EB AIESEC in UNSOED 16/17 to make AIESEC in UNSOED more accessible in Purwokerto and UNSOED it self. AIESEC, the organization which can lift you to another part of your life, can shape your knowledge, your character, to become a good leader for your self, and for indonesia. So, I invite you all to collaborate with me to make this organization more impacful for our university and Indonesia.

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