How Much I Spent For Baby Stuff
hi everyone..
i am turning 32 weeks pregnant now
so i prepare for baby needs and mommy needs also
so here the budget if you want to know, for sure i am not planning it become like this. i mean i always choose for the best deal ones but in the end it turn unexpectedly, money cant lie it also buy the quality. mahalnya cuma di stroller aja onti alhamdulillahnya ini di kadoin sama mbah putrinya anakku aka mertua kesayangan. alhamdulillah rezeki kaka bayi yah..
bobinzo hat + mittens 36.000
2 daster hamil/menyusui 237.026
nipple cream 69.000
sleek detergen baby 145.000
zwitsal hair lotion 17.900
sleek bottle cleanser 30.500
huki milk dispenser 18.000
cup feeder 9.500
softex maternity 108.000
breast pad 37.000
breast milk pouch 21.000
teether baby 30.000
sugar baby nails and hair comb 39.900
baby clip 25.000
total : 823.826
total sebelumnya + tambahan
1.681.133 + 823.826 = 2.504.959
tambahan lagi
2 daster hamil/menyusui 237.026
nipple cream 69.000
sleek detergen baby 145.000
zwitsal hair lotion 17.900
sleek bottle cleanser 30.500
huki milk dispenser 18.000
cup feeder 9.500
softex maternity 108.000
breast pad 37.000
breast milk pouch 21.000
teether baby 30.000
sugar baby nails and hair comb 39.900
baby clip 25.000
total : 823.826
total sebelumnya + tambahan
1.681.133 + 823.826 = 2.504.959
tambahan lagi
basin mandi kk dira 30.000
obat blackmores vit d dan fish oil 201.000
laundry 41.000
total : 272.000
total keseluruhan : 2.504.959 + 272.000 = 2,776,959
1. baby oil 55.500
2. bebe rosie bugs repellent 55.000
3. dr browns travel bowl & spoon 176.000
4. lactacyd baby wash travel size 20.000
5. pigeon baby cologne 15.000
6. pigeon baby powder 37.500
7. namalee baby laundry bag 25.000
8. imundex plush toys 50.000
9. pacifier clip 11.000
10. baby travel pouch 50.000
11. baby food masher 113.000
12. doodle minyak telon (3pcs) 111.000
total Rp 719.000
online shop in total Rp 3,495,959
drop belanja di baby wise
•baby wise 6 Nov Rp 6.612.305
•baby wise online Rp 907.000
•baby wise 19 Nov Rp 848.650
total belanja di baby wise 8,367,955
total keseluruhan ( 3,495,959 + 8,367,955 = 11,863,914)
total expense
• seluruh baby stuff in total baby wise & online shop Rp 11,863,914 (fix price)
•baby wise online Rp 907.000
•baby wise 19 Nov Rp 848.650
total belanja di baby wise 8,367,955
total keseluruhan ( 3,495,959 + 8,367,955 = 11,863,914)
total expense
• seluruh baby stuff in total baby wise & online shop Rp 11,863,914 (fix price)
• biaya lahiran normal kelas junior suite nambah 6.000.000 (estimation)
• biaya aqiqah 3.920.000 (more or less blm sama penimbangan berat rambut)
• anting kaka dira mas tua 1gr pasar anyar 1.000.000 (estimation)
expense estimation more or less in total
Rp 22,783,914 (approx)
• biaya aqiqah 3.920.000 (more or less blm sama penimbangan berat rambut)
• anting kaka dira mas tua 1gr pasar anyar 1.000.000 (estimation)
expense estimation more or less in total
Rp 22,783,914 (approx)
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