curhat kehamilan 26 week

1:25 AM Rima Ramadhania 0 Comments

rabu, 12 okt 2022
saat ini hamil alhamdulillah berjalan 26 week H-2 27 week masya Allah makin perut semakin begah, tidur juga udah lumayan susah mesti miring ke kanan atau miring ke kiri sampai bikin tangan keseleo, ya udah pasti pergelangan tangan ikut ketarik, yang bahkan sakitnya dari 3 bulan lalu sampai sekarang masih terasa.. dengan kondisi yang kaya gini tidur malah jadi momok yang lumayan bikin anxiety ya bun, tidur susah gak tidur lebih bahaya buat moms sama babynya juga kan.. 

akhirnya I take a risk untuk yaudah tidur aja nanti kalaupun sakit badan setelah bangun urusan besok pagi aja.. oh iya tadi pagi adi info juga kalau minggu depan dia bakalan dinas ke aceh, selama 3 hari dari hari senin itu artinya in total selama 4 hari dan 3 malem gue ditinggal sendirian dirumah dan selama itupun pasti gue berdoa didalem hati supaya terus sehat dan gak ngeluh sakit2an selama ditinggal.. facing pregnancy all alone, omg sedih bgt bun kalo malem kan perlu diusap atau di urut-urut supaya sakitnya gak menetap.. but in the end must be strong enough.

back then, semalem suntuk seluruh badan gue di balur sama adi pakai produk zambuk, counterpain dan minyak kayu putih alhamdulillah lama kelamaan bisa tidur lelap walaupun sakit dibadan tetep masih kerasa setidaknya gue enggak kebangun di jam 3 pagi lagi seperti hari-hari yang sebelumnya karna setelah itu udah pasti jadi susah merem dan lanjut tidur lagi sampai akhirnya azan subuh berkumandang, saat giliran suami mau berangkat kerja di jam 6 pagi gue malah ngantuk bukan main dan pengen tidur. what.. udah pasti gak sehat tidur pagi ya Allah.. tapi ini problem yg lagi gue alami selama kurun 3 bulan, quite stressful yes.. tapi mau bagaimana lagi😫akhirnya gue berpikir untuk cari cara nyelesaiin masalah tidur ini..

i do research ke berbagai sosmed, salah satunya gue sampe nulis resep aromaterapi difuser, kurangin minum sebelum tidur minimal 2 jam, do a little stretching, sampe ngebalur badan pake minyak kayu putih supaya hangat terus, oh iya ngatur suhu ac juga supaya gak terlalu dingin atau hangat, and you know what.. I do that all steps but sometimes change needs time right? i should be no worries, because I already try my best at that time. I still have much expectation to get better sleep next day.

kalau tidur gak nyaman pasti suami kan tau ya, di suatu malam adi mungkin khawatir dan mulai nanyain gue mungkin ada masalah apa sampai kok susah tidur berhari-hari.. yang pastinya gue jawab dengan ya nothing.. gue even gak di kondisi yang crazy seperti hidup gue sebelum menjadi fulltime IRT yakan I mean I dont have any problem with stuff or people or even a job itself. everything is under my control, i dont even cant complain much like before, i enjoyed my day to day.. ya i must to admit maybe maybe several thing are still stuck, but it dont bother me alot.. it still fly around my head, but i always ignore their existances no wonder about how and why. i keep my calm inside..

but pregnancy it always comes with fear, fear if you cant be a good mom if you get graduated school soon.. fear of labor process, how much you can take the extream pain because I knew my pain metter was broke. sadly. i hope i have a comfortable pregnancy or during my labor soon.. i'll be fine, i am suggesting my self each day, everyone face all this fears.. i mean every pregnant mom.. they are fine until now and you will have the same experience like them so dont waste your time to think about the worst case, allright? 

oh iya gue jg selalu kepikiran dengan tes S2 di bulan november nanti bisa gak ya kuliah sambil jaga anak.. pembantunya jg blm ada kandidatnya ya kaya gitu regular moms typical problem gak sih hahaha sisanya udah gue lepas semua aja.. keep calm keep calm.. 

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focus on yourself first

4:38 AM Rima Ramadhania 0 Comments

searching for meaning, figuring out everything because we only live once and we cant turn back the time. so we must be content and be grateful of the life it self. be present, be the person who pursue everything better than yesterday. throw negative vibes (people and your surrounded) more lived, be fearless and success in your own way. dont waste your time anymore, you already did it so see more widely. look into your soul, what's your inner calling?

is it make you more happy? is it make you being an authentic person? is it fired out your spirit? is it make you more lived than before? if the answer is yes then do it, keep the faith keep your faith. be believer, believer of what's god make for you is the best creation of his art. you only do your best and do it for 100%. never lies on your sacrifice and bloody hardship in return, be focused on process. no matter how slow the progress is, the bright day will come. it'll free your soul from any material attachment.

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Words I loved recently

12:19 AM Rima Ramadhania 0 Comments

so hi guys, I am quoting some of the lovely yet motivating words that I love the most. mostly it comes from the book I read and also from social media. here the powerful words, hopefully those can spark in your life too and helping you in any form of what you've been thru. 

i just in love how words can affected so much into someone's life, so spread the positive ones if you can and if you dont have any just keep quiet and hold your self to say otherwise. 

be kind, everytime you can.. at least it makes you a good human being, right?

1. there is always a chance to turning the table, believe in your self.

2. there is no perfect fit when you are looking for the next big thing to do, you have to take opportunities and make an opportunity fit for you rather than the other way around. the ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have.

3. i hope you find the courage to make your life a blessing.

4. what it taught me was you have to be confident, eventho you're so self-critical inside about what it is you may not know and that, leads to taking risks.

5. instead of thinking "make it perfect" train the mindset of "make it exist" it is life changing, try it! because the best witer ever wrote that "the first draft of anything is shit" and we all know that is true.

6. who would i be if i believed i was worthy? who would i be if i believed i could? who would i be if i believed i was just as capable as anyone else? as soon as you will learn that you're the author of your own story and you are start to seeing it.

7. be the master of your thoughts and your feelings and notice the ease with which you can make your decisions big or small, knowing that you are the one in control of yourself. dont linger in uncertainty, somewhere in the middle.

8. once you master yourself, impossible will no longer stand in the way of your dreams.

9. dont ever force your self to live up to anyone's standards, make your own standards based on your abilities, based on your potential and based on your vision for your future. take time to figure out what the big picture in your life what your end goal is.

10. no one more knowledgeable of the real you more than you are knowledgeable of yourself, so why let others dictate what works and doesnt work for you? be the phenomenal person than average, define phenomenal yourself. dont compare yourself to anyone else's phenomenal at all.

11. what is a miserable feeling? that is when you need someone else's validation to get "acceptance" ticket about yourself. have your own big dreams and pursue them because you know you can. no one is stopping you from that, except yourself. dont live your life comparing yourself to people you think are better than you.

12. live your life working to make who you are today better than who you were yesterday, and dreaming that who you will be tomorrow is better than who you are today. do not give yourself any other option than becoming better.

13. celebrate your little success and improvements, imagine how truly happy you'll be.

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What I've read in 2022

12:20 AM Rima Ramadhania 0 Comments

here i dropped my current reading just to share how 30 minutes per day of power read make a big difference in my life, I even finished my old book which I read 1 years ago and never been done before, feel so happy and proud tho, totally.

how to finished a book? make a time to read, period.
only 30 minutes per a day, you'll be surprised!

1. man search for meaning by frankl e. victor
2. islamic parenting "pendidikan anak metode nabi" oleh syaikh jamal abdurrahman
3. surrounded by idiots by thomas erikson
4. lean in by sheryl sandberg
5. amalan muslimah dimasa haid dan nifas pustaka imam asy-syafii
6. love for imperfect things by haemin sunim

and still counting till the end of this year.. i am so happy for this accomplishment bcs i am so focused on get done several book that I bought in 2021 or early 2022 after gather my own personal motivation finally here I come.. 

ended up with 6 books and more of books in progress.. such a great things!! yeah for sure.. I also getting ready for my after grad school  test in next november 2022 (re-learn toefl and basic math also doing some research for literature inspiration so on..)
well i must say that it quite challenging during my very 1st pregnancy.. so i have to proud of my self because i do have a strong willingness eventho its so hard to come back after 5 years full time work never study even get done 1 book per year so yeah. 

well there are 2 more books in my kindle device gotta read them bcs one of it is in the middle of the end page, but i must be enjoyed. right?
reading must be enjoyable act, some of it become our enforce meditation, to be short reading a book is where you can reconnect with your own true self when you can hear your inner voices and do positive self talk to contemplate with this unpredictable equation of life. 

Life must be full of enjoyment if we know who we are and who we want to be in future, shaping our self, preparing for the battle (because everyone has their own battlefield) inside and outside, reconnected with the first energy and remembering the reasons why i have to move is the good thing we ever do. 

Sometimes we lost sight, we over drain, we must hang on even the result isnt come yet.. be patient, still moving even a little step one was counted and make a difference.. changing will appear as we hope it come, as soon as possible☺aamiin

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